Your worst enemy

That would be you.

You are the CEO of your life. You are responsible for your every decision. You choose your path, your career, your attitude, your surroundings, your friends and your responses to everything that happens in your life.

Odds are, you’re doing it poorly.

If a company groomed its people as poorly as you are grooming yourself, it would soon go bankrupt. You would fire your help/teammate if they wasted as much of your time as you do. You would quit if your boss cheated you the way you cheated yourself.

Do you ever wonder what is holding you back? There could be many different reasons, but here are a few common ones:

You make excuses

“I can’t do this because I’m too ____.” “I would do that, but _____.”

Sound familiar?

You have an unsupportive tribe

You do not surround yourself with like-minded people whose lifestyles are similar to the one you desire.

You repeat your  mistakes

And are you surprised that nothing has changed? If you do not try something new you recreate the old.

You trust the wrong people

You may not realise but you do choose the wrong people to validate what you need to believe because you are not rational. You desperately want to believe them because you think it is ethical even though you know that they have not travelled the path even an inch that you desire. It’s just because you want to validate what you think not what is right.

You follow outdated beliefs

You have deeply held beliefs which no longer support your vision but were either intentionally or unintentionally ingrained in yourself from a young. You never realise that an outdated part of machinery will choke its original functionality. You never realise that the modern world demands a new set of beliefs which can support your dream and progress.

You have unclear boundaries

Several times in your personal/professional decisions you say “yes” to something when your gut screams at you to say “no”.

If you don’t honour your various boundaries, you don’t honour your purpose and your path.

You sell yourself short

Do you have passions, wisdom, and expertise to share with people but you’re holding yourself back because of insecurities, doubt, or even shame?

This is YOUR life and it’s happening now! You are your own boss, but still, you choose to ignore them because you don’t want to hold yourself responsible. Learn to manage yourself. It’s hard to think of a more essential thing to learn.

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