You may sometimes require to debug your Azure Web App deployments and view the files that are deployed to the service. You may not find a straight forward way to get access to the files if you are not using the Azure Virtual Machine. You need to use Kudu service dashboard to get what you want.
What is Kudu?
Kudu is a set of tools and extensibility points for App Service applications. Anytime you set up a git deployment in Azure Web Sites, Kudu is running and managing the deployment. Kudu also allows you to see environment variables, see processes running on the machine, use a cmd console and much more.
How to view Kudu service dashboard
There are two ways to access Kudu:
1. Simply modify your website URL by adding scm to it. If your site is, then the root URL of the Kudu service is
2. Using the Azure Portal. First Navigate to your Web App, Select Tools -> Kudu -> Go:
View Current Files
View current files in your application by Clicking on Debug Console -> CMD:
Get to your application home directory by clicking the Site folder:
Double clicking wwwroot folder:
This is where all your files are stored:
Hope this was helpful. Happy learning!